The Microbiology/Immunology Laboratory is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; Call Client Services 804-828-PATH (828-7284); 1-800-363-9234

Microbiology/Immunology is the only clinical laboratory providing diagnostic microbiology and immunology services at VCU Health System. 

Microbiology is staffed 24/7 and offers full diagnostic testing in Bacteriology (aerobic and anaerobic), Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Mycobacteriology, Mycology, and Parasitology.

Immunology is staffed 7 days/week and offers comprehensive testing in Infectious disease serology testing, Autoimmune serologic testing including ANA and Electrophoresis.


Microbiology/Immunology offers rapid turn-around-time on selected tests. Tests include: Gram Stains, Crytococcal Antigen, direct detection of Trichomonas vaginalis, enterovirus in CSF, and Group A Strep.  Direct detection of influenza A and B are also available during respiratory virus season.

Lab Leadership and Contact Information

Contact us for a clinical consultation

Justin Dalton, MD

Justin Dalton, MD

Immunopathology, Hematopathology & Transfusion Med

Justin Dalton, MD

Justin Dalton, MD

Immunopathology, Hematopathology & Transfusion Med


Assistant Professor of Pathology;
Director of Clinical Immunology

Phone: (804) 828-5389

Fax: (804) 828-8177


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Christopher Doern, PhD

Christopher Doern, PhD

Clinical Microbiology

Christopher Doern, PhD

Christopher Doern, PhD

Clinical Microbiology


Professor of Pathology;
Director of Clinical Microbiology

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Alexandra Bryson, PhD

Alexandra Bryson, PhD

Clinical Microbiology

Alexandra Bryson, PhD

Alexandra Bryson, PhD

Clinical Microbiology


Assistant Professor of Pathology;
Associate Director of Clinical Microbiology

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