Selected Trainee Publications/Scholarly Contributions
Michele Anderson, DO
- Gordetsky J, Spieker AJ, Pena MDCR, Kamanda S, Anderson MR, et al. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder Is Not Associated With High-risk HPV [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 16]. Urology. 2020;S0090-4295(20)30832-3. doi:10.1016/j.urology.2020.06.065.
- Godbey EA, Anderson MR, M Bachmann L, Sanford KW, Wieditz K, Roseff SD. How do we monitor hemoglobin S in patients who undergo red blood cell exchange and take voxelotor? Transfusion. 2021 Apr 20. doi: 10.1111/trf.16405. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33880770.
- Fanburg-Smith J, Anderson MR, Specht K, Auerbach A and Rubin B. Deep Juvenile Xanthogranuloma (DJXG), 41 New Subcutaneous (SQ) and Intramuscular (IM) Cases, Reclassification as a Benign Fibrohistiocytic Tumor Variant. Presented at United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting 2017.
- Willis S, Anderson MR, Gilmer H. Essential Cryoglobulinemia Vasculitis Leading to Bilateral Above-Knee Amputations: A Case Report. Presented at Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting 2017.
- Willis S, Anderson MR, Castillo C. A Rare Case of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) in an Adult Patient with Cystic Fibrosis. Presented at Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting 2017.
- Willis S, Anderson MR, Alter K. Myofibrosis Causing Myalgias and Muscle Cramps in Graft Versus Host Disease Diagnosed via Ultrasound. Presented at Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting 2017.Wolozny D, Anderson MR, Ruder W. Fiber-Enabled, 3D-Printed Cellular Micropatterning for Robust and Affordable Cellular Biomechanics Studies. Presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society Conference 2015.
- Ruder W, Anderson MR. Utilizing Microfiber-enabled Lithography to Engineer Spatiotemporally Diverse Tissue Microenvironments. Presented at the Virginia Tech Annual Summer Research Symposium and Biomedical Engineering Society Conference 2013.
- Anderson MR, Booth GS. Hemostasis Questions. Transfusion News: Transfusion Medicine Questions. August 24-28 2020.
Lorraine Colon Cartagena, M.D. (Chief Resident)
- Colon Cartagena L., Zot P., Smith SC. Intraductal carcinoma of the prostate. ASCP Case Rep Surg Pathol. 2019; SP1901.
- Colon Cartagena, L., Wang G.Y., Idowu M.O., Smith S.C. and Mochel M.C. (2020), SOX10‐positive perivascular cells in sentinel lymph nodes: A reliably intrinsic internal control. J Cutan Pathol, 47: 415-417.(in process)
- Colon Cartagena L., Zot P., Pillappa R., Idowu M., Robila V. Breast Conserving Surgery With and Without Cavity Shave Margins Have Different Re-excision Rates but Similar Overall Cost (in progress).
- Colon Cartagena L., Zot P., Hatfield B., Idowu M., Robila V., Fibroepithelial Lesions: Still a Diagnostic Conundrum in Breast Cord Needle Biopsies (in progress).
- Colón Cartagena L., Saavedra Pozo F. Management of Sacral Chordomas: A Case Report. 36th Annual Research and Education Forum, San Juan PR, May 2016. PRHSJ: Vol. 35.
- Colón Cartagena L., Zot P., Hatfield B., Idowu M., Robila V. Fibroepithelial Lesions: Still a Diagnostic Conundrum in Breast Cord Needle Biopsies. CAP2018, Chicago, September 2018, Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: Vol. 142.
- Zot P., Colón Cartagena L., Hatfield B., Idowu M., Robila V. Fibroepithelial Lesions: The Utility of Using a Template of Histologic Criteria on Core Needle Biopsy. CAP2018, Chicago, September 2018, Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: Vol. 142.
- Colón Cartagena L., Smith S, Mochel M. SOX10-Positive Perivascular Cells in Sentinel Lymph Nodes: A Reliable Internal Control. USCAP, MD, March 2019. Laboratory Investigation: Vol. 99.
- Colón Cartagena L., Zot P., Pillappa R., Idowu M., Robila V. Breast Conserving Surgeries With and Without Cavity Shave Margins Have Different Re-excision Rates but Similar Overall Cost. USCAP, MD, March 2019, Laboratory Investigation: Vol. 99.
- Zot P., Colón Cartagena L., Pillappa R., Idowu M., Robila V. Intensity of Ki67 Staining as an Adjuvant Predictor of Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with High Ki67. USCAP, MD, March 2019, Laboratory Investigation: Vol. 99.
- Gayhart M., McCoy K., Colón Cartagena L., Idowu M. CtBP2 Overexpression in Neoadjuvantly Treated Breast Cancer by Immunohistochemistry and Its Relation to Clinical Outcomes USCAP, MD, March 2019, Laboratory Investigation: Vol. 99.
- Colón Cartagena L., Gayhart M., Robila V. Coding-Free Platform for Development of Image Analysis Algorithm Produces Comparable Results to Established Convoluted Neural Network Architecture for Sub-Classifications of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast. USCAP, CA, March 2020, Laboratory Investigation: Vol. 100.
- Colón Cartagena L., Gayhart M., Robila V. Classification of Fibroepithelial Lesions of the Breast Using Deep Learning Models: A Pilot Study. USCAP, CA, March 2020, Laboratory Investigation: Vol. 100.
- Gayhart M., Colón Cartagena L., Zot P., Robila V. Investigating the Use of Convolutional Neural Networks in Diagnosis of Microinvasive Carcinoma of the Breast: Lessons Learned in a Small Dataset. USCAP, CA, March 2020, Laboratory Investigation: Vol. 100.
Research Projects
• Evaluation of fibroepithelial lesions of the breast
• Evaluation of variants of breast conserving surgery
• Mentors: Dr. Valentina Robila, Md, PhD, Dr. Michael Idowu, MD
• Deep learning tools for classification of breast lesions
• Mentor: Dr. Valentina Robila, MD, PhD
• MDA-9 and ABCC2 co-expression in breast cancer
• Paclitaxel and PDZ1i treatment effect and response in metastatic breast cancer
• Mentors: Dr. Michael Idowu, MD, Dr. Paul Fisher, PhD, Dr. Swadesh Das, PhD
Presentations: VCU and USCAP
- 2017 Lymphatics in the Central Nervous System, Oral Presentation, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
- 2017 Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome, Oral Presentation, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
- 2017 Incompatible Plasma Transfusion in Trauma Patients, Oral Presentation, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
- 2018 Clinical Bacteriology for Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows, Microbiology Rounds, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
- 2019 Breast Conserving Surgeries With and Without Cavity Shave Margins Have Different Re-excision Rates but Similar Overall Cost. Moderated Poster Session, Annual Meeting of United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, National Harbor, MD
- 2019 Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal Pathogens, Oral Presentation for Microbiology Medical Technologists, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
- 2019 Clinical Manifestations of Fungal Pathogens, Oral Presentation for Microbiology Medical Technologists, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
- 2020 Coding-Free Platform for Development of Image Analysis Algorithm Produces Comparable Results to Established Convoluted Neural Network Architecture for Sub-Classifications of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast, Moderated Poster Session, Annual Meeting of United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Los Angeles, CA
- 2020 Role of Convalescent Plasma During COVID-19, Clinical Pathology On Call Conference Oral Presentation, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
- 2020 Pathogenesis and Pulmonary Histopathologic Findings of Diffuse Alveolar Damage Secondary to COVID-19, Clinical Pathology On Call Conference Oral Presentation, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Daniel Neal, D.O. (Resident)
- Neal D, Robila V, Sayeed S. Cytologic Evaluation of the Spleen: Current Practices, Challenges, and an Unusual Entity Sclerosing Angiomatoid Nodular Transformation (SANT). Diagnostic Cytopathology; Submitted for review, January 2021.
- Neal, D, Robila, V, Chesney, A, Sayeed, S. Fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy of the spleen: A case series illustrating current practices and challenges. Diagnostic Cytopathology. 2021; 49( 11): 1196- 1206.
- Neal, D.J., Amin, M.B. & Smith, S.C. CK20 versus AMACR and p53 immunostains in evaluation of Urothelial Carcinoma in Situ and Reactive Atypia. Diagn Pathol 15, 61 (2020).
- Neal D, Smith SC. High grade endometrial stromal sarcoma. ASCP Case Rep Surg Pathol. 2019.
- Neal D, Overby N, Pillappa R, Smith S. Development and Validation of a Dual Color/Multiplex Stain for MUC4 and STAT6 for Assessment of Cytologic/Small Biopsy Samples of Spindle Cell Lesions. Presented at USCAP 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual), March 2021
- Neal D, Sayeed S, Kraft A. Pathologist-performed Thyroid Ultrasound-guided FNA (ppTUSFNA) at an Academic Institution: Comparing Referral Patterns Based on American Thyroid Association (ATA) vs. American College of Radiology (ACR)-TIRADS Risk-stratification Systems. Presented at ASC 2020 Annual Meeting (Virtual), November 2020
- Neal D, Robila R, Smith S. Establishing Diagnosis of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma in Cytology Samples: Institutional Experience in the Age of Kinase Inhibitors, Immunotherapies, and Declining Nephrectomy. Accepted at CAP 2020 Annual Meeting (Virtual), October 2020
Kaitlyn Wieditz, M.D. (Resident)
- “Modified Becker Tumor Regression Grading of Rectal Adenocarcinoma After Neoadjuvant Therapy Predicts Distant Recurrence”: Paulo Garcia, MD Kaitlyn Wieditz, MD,MPH Melissa Contos, MD Michael Idowu, MD,MPH (2019 USCAP Meeting)
- “The Predictive and Prognostic Value of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Pre-Treatment Biopsies of Neoadjuvantly Treated Colorectal Carcinoma”: Kaitlyn Wieditz MD, Paulo Garcia MD, Michael Idowu MD and Melissa Contos MD (2019 USCAP Meeting)
- “Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes at the Invasive Edge are Predictive of Distant Recurrence of Neoadjuvant Rectal Adenocarcinoma”: Paulo Garcia MD, Kaitlyn Wieditz MD, Melissa Contos MD, Michael Idowu MD MPH (2019 USCAP Meeting)
Patricija Zot, M.D. (Chief Resident)
- “Interobserver Variability in Scoring Percentages of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Breast Core Needle Biopsies”: Bryce Hatfield MD, Patricija Zot MD, Valentina Robila MD, Michael Idowu MD. (2018 CAP Meeting)
- “Fibroepithelial Lesions - The utility of using a template of histologic criteria on core needle biopsy”: Patricija Zot MD, Lorraine Colon Cartagena MD, Bryce Hatfield MD, Michael Idowu MD, Valentina Robila MD (2018 CAP Meeting)
- “Fibroepithelial Lesions - Still A Diagnostic Conundrum in Breast Cord Needle Biopsies”: Lorraine Colon Cartagena MD, Patricija Zot MD, Bryce Hatfield MD, Michael Idowu MD, Valentina Robila MD. (2018 CAP Meeting)
- “Breast Conserving Surgery With and Without Cavity Shave Margins Have Different Re-excision Rates but Similar Overall Cost”: Lorraine Colón Cartagena MD, Patricija Zot MD, Raghavendra Pillappa MD, Michael Idowu MD, MPH, Valentina Robila MD, PhD (2019 USCAP Meeting)
- “Intensity of Ki67 staining may be an adjuvant predictor of response to neoadjuvant therapy in patients with high Ki67”: Patricija Zot MD, Lorraine Colon Cartagena MD, Raghavendra Pillappa MD, Michael Idowu MD and Valentina Robila MD (2019 USCAP Meeting)
- “Roles of serine phosphorylation in regulating Stat5a in Breast Cancer”: Woock AE, Hedrick SE, Zot P, Idowu M, Clevenger CV. (2019 VCU MD-PhD Symposium).
- “Low and High Pre-treatment Ki67 Expression may Predict Ki67 Levels Post Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer”: Zot P, Colon Cartagena L, Gayhart M, Pillappa R, Idowu M, Robila V. (2019 CAP Meeting)
- “Validation of a thiocyanate method on the Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer”: Zot P, Gin G, Bachmann LM. (2019 ASCP Meeting).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Colon Cartagena L, Zot P, Smith SC. Intraductal carcinoma of the prostate. ASCP Case Rep Surg Pathol. 2019; SP1901.
- Alzubi MA, Sohal SS, Sriram M, Turner TH, Zot P, Idowu M, Harrell JC. Quantitative assessment of breast cancer liver metastasis expansion with patient-derived xenografts. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. 2019, 36:3, pp 257–269.
Ding (Diana) Dai, MD, PhD. (Cytopathology Fellow)
- “Diagnosis of granular cell tumor by fine needle aspiration cytology - Ten cases from 20-year experience in a single institution”: Ding Dai, MD, PhD and Adele Kraft, MD (2020 CAP Annual Meeting).
- “Retroperitoneal Fibrosis: A Rare Entity with Unique Pathologic Characteristics from 20-year Institutional Experience. CAP Annual Meeting. Ding Dai, MD, PhD, Chow Woon, MD, PhD, Sadia Sayeed, MD (2020 CAP Annual Meeting).
- “Increased adequacy rate utilizing Acquire NeedleTM by Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) in pancreatic solid mass”: Ding Dai, MD, PhD and Adele Kraft, MD (2020 Grand round, VCU pathology).
- “The Improvement of Diagnostic Accuracy Using Touch Preparation Combined with Biopsy and Transbronchial Fine Needle Aspiration in Rapid Onsite Evaluation in Lung Mass”: Ding Dai, MD, PhD, Wen Zhong, Ann Sutton (2019 ASC Annual Meeting).
- “The value of peritoneal washing cytology in staging of ovarian tumor: A 16-year institutional study”: Ding Dai, MD, PhD, Rongqing Ren, MD, PhD, Heng Hong, MD, PhD (2019 USCAP Annual Meeting).
- “Quantitative profiling of cancer cell morphology with serous effusion samples by machine learning”: Ding Dai, MD, PhD, Safaa AQ, PhD, Heng Hong MD, PhD, and XH Hu, PhD (2019 CAP Annual Meeting).
Sara Mustafa (Hematopathology Fellow)
- Mustafa S, Hruban RH, Ali SZ. Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas: a clinicopathologic and cytomorphologic review [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 25]. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2020;S2213-2945(20)30067-3. doi:10.1016/j.jasc.2020.04.005
- Mustafa S, VandenBussche CJ, Ali SZ, Siddiqui MT, Wakely PE Jr. Cytomorphologic findings of low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2020;9(3):191-201. doi:10.1016/j.jasc.2020.01.006
- Allison DB, Rooper LM, Mustafa S, Maleki Z, Wakely PE Jr, Ali SZ. Cytopathologic characteristics of HPV-related small cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. Cancer Cytopathol. 2019;127(1):35-43. doi:10.1002/cncy.22078
Paulo Garcia, M.D. (Resident)
- “Modified Becker Tumor Regression Grading of Rectal Adenocarcinoma After Neoadjuvant Therapy Predicts Distant Recurrence”: Paulo Garcia, MD Kaitlyn Wieditz, MD,MPH Melissa Contos, MD Michael Idowu, MD,MPH (2019 USCAP Meeting)
- “The Predictive and Prognostic Value of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Pre-Treatment Biopsies of Neoadjuvantly Treated Colorectal Carcinoma”: Kaitlyn Wieditz MD, Paulo Garcia MD, Michael Idowu MD and Melissa Contos MD (2019 USCAP Meeting)
- “Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes at the Invasive Edge are Predictive of Distant Recurrence of Neoadjuvant Rectal Adenocarcinoma”: Paulo Garcia MD, Kaitlyn Wieditz MD, Melissa Contos MD, Michael Idowu MD MPH (2019 USCAP Meeting)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Mochel MC, Garcia P, Memari P, Domson G, Smith SC. The Morel-Lavallée lesion: a report of two cases. Pathology. 2018 Oct;50(6):693-694.
Matthew Gayhart, M.D. (Resident)
Peer Reviewed Publications:
- Gayhart MG, Johnson N, Paul A, Quillin JM, Hampton LJ, Idowu MO, Smith SC. Universal Mismatch Repair Protein Screening in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: A Validation Study with Comparison to Colorectal and Endometrial Adenocarcinoma. Accepted for publication in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology.
- McKay J, Gayhart MG, Al-Juhaishi T, Yazbeck V, Perkins EB. Venetoclax and Cytarabine in AML Transformed from Myelofibrosis. Blood 134, 5140 (2019).
- Gayhart MG, Richard H, Wiles AB, Smith SC. Aberrant expression of TdT in seminomatous germ cell neoplasia. Virchows Archive vol. 473 385–386 (2018).
- Gayhart MG, Zot P, Smith SC. Convolutional Neural Networks Can Identify with High Accuracy Fungi in GMS Stained Sections: Computational Screening for Workflow Improvement? Presented at moderated poster session at the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 2020 Annual Meeting, March 2020.
- Gayhart MG, Cartagena LC, Zot P, Robila V. Investigating the Use of Machine Learning in Diagnosis of Microinvasive Carcinoma of the Breast: Lessons Learned in a Small Dataset. Presented at the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 2020 Annual Meeting, March 2020.
- Gayhart MG, Prater A, Smith SC. “Virtual” Biomarkers? Convolutional Neural Networks Can Accurately Distinguish Chromophobe from Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Presented at the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 2020 Annual Meeting, March 2020.
- Gayhart MG, McCoy K, Cartagena LC, Idowu MO. CtBP2 Overexpression in Neoadjuvant Treated Breast Cancer by Immunohistochemistry and Its Relation to Clinical Outcomes. Presented at the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 2019 Annual Meeting, March 2019.
- Gayhart MG, Smith SC. Challenges in Mismatch Repair Protein Expression Interpretation in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma. Presented at the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 2019 Annual Meeting, March 2019.
- Gayhart MG, Smith SC. Utilization and Application Trends in Whole Slide Imaging from an Early Adopting Institution. Presented at the Digital Pathology Association Pathology Visions 2018 Conference, November 2018.
- Gayhart MG, Richard HT, Wiles AB, Smith SC. TdT Expression in Germ Cell Neoplasia – A Pitfall in Differential Diagnosis with Lymphoma. Presented at the American Society for Clinical Pathology 2018 Annual Meeting, October 2018.
Jeremiah Karrs, D.O. (Resident)
- “Using Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing to Detect Single Nucleotide Variants, Fusions and Copy Number Variants in Hematologic Malignancies”: Karrs J, Xu, X, Williamson, V, Sabato-Charreun, F, Tang, W, Ferreira-Gonzalez A (2019 USCAP Meeting)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Karrs JX, Gohlke AL; Poklepovic A; Oliveira AM; Richard H, Pavlick DC; Smith SC. Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma With NF2 Mutation. AJSP: Reviews & Reports. 23(6):251-254, November/December 2018.
- Wiles AB, Karrs JX, Pitt S, Almenara J, Powers CN, Smith SC. GATA3 is a reliable marker for neuroblastoma in limited samples, including FNA Cell Blocks, core biopsies, and touch imprints. Cancer Cytopathol. 2017 Dec;125(12):940-946
Liu Liu, M.D. (Cyto Fellow)
- “Correlation of Mucinous Component with Molecular Alterations in Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma”: Liu Liu, MD; Raghavendra Pillappa, MD; Valentina Robila, MD, PhD (2019 USCAP Meeting)
Patrick Memari, D.O. (Resident)
- “Expression of Cycle-Cycle Regulators Proteins Associated With Senescence May Provide Prognostic Value In Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma”: Memari, P. Joshi, A.T. Chawla, J.C. Standfield, A. Sima, M. Contos, S. Grossman, M.O. Idowu. (2018 CAP Meeting)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Mochel MC, Garcia P, Memari P, Domson G, Smith SC. The Morel-Lavallée lesion: a report of two cases. Pathology. 2018 Oct;50(6):693-694.
Irene Shyu, M.D. (Resident)
- “CtBP2 Overexpression and Clinical Outcomes in Colorectal Cancer”: Irene Shyu, Matthew Gayhart, Bryce Hatfield, Arushi Khurana, Ayesha T. Chawla, Steven Grossman, Michael Idowu, Bhaumik Patel (2019 USCAP Meeting)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Patel M, Shyu I, Mochel M, Smallfield G. Black Lesions in the Esophagus. Frontline Gastroenterology. In press.
- Shyu I, Mirsadraei L, Wang X, Robila V, Mehra R, McHugh JB, Chen YB, Udager AM, Gill AJ, Cheng L, Amin MB, Lin O, Smith SC. Clues to Recognition of Fumarate Hydratase-Deficient Renal Cell Carcinoma: Findings from Cytologic and Limited Biopsy Samples. Cancer Cytopathology. Cancer Cytopathol. 2018;126(12):992-1002.
- Harris GR, Breazzano MP, Shyu I, Donahue SP, Lavin PJM. Oculomotor Synkinesis (Aberrant Reinnervation of the Third Cranial Nerve) Associated with Atypical Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome. Neuro-Ophthalmology. DOI: 10.1080/01658107.2019.1576738
Chen Yang, Ph.D (Laboratory Genetics and Genomics Fellow)
Published Article:
- Yang C, Austin F, Richard H, Idowu M, Williamson V, Sabato F, Ferreira-Gonzalez A, Turner SA: Lynch syndrome-associated ultra-hypermutated pediatric glioblastoma mimicking a constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 5(5): pii: a003863, 2019. PM31604779 /PMC6824252, 2019
- Sábato MF, Yang C, Williamson VS, Dumur CI, Popa A, Anderson P, Morris P, Tully E, FerreiraGonzalez A (poster presentation): AMP Performance Evaluation of the Ion Torrent S5™XL for Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) for Clinical Oncology, AMP Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 2017.
- Borodin VS, Yang C, Williamson VS, Rafael OC, Popa A, Sábato MF, Ferreira-Gonzalez A (poster presentation): Performance evaluation of a T cell Receptor Gamma gene Rearrangement (TRG) Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) assay for clinical practice, AMP Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 2017.
- Sabato MF, Williamson V, Yang C, Konigshofer K, Garlick R, Ferreira-Gonzalez A (poster presentation): Characterization of Novel Aneuploidy Reference Materials for NGS-based Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPT), AMP Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2018.
- Yang C, Sábato MF, Williamson VS, Morris P, Yu XF, Chhoa M, Sene M, Nicely LV, Reichert S, Lewandowski R, Ramus RM, Ferreira-Gonzalez A (poster presentation): Performance evaluation of VCU Health NIPT, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) based non-invasive prenatal testing for common aneuploidy, AMP Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2018.
Bryce Hatfield, M.D. (Cyto Fellow)
- “Interobserver Variability in Scoring Percentages of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Breast Core Needle Biopsies”: Bryce Hatfield MD, Patricija Zot MD, Valentina Robila MD, Michael Idowu MD. (2018 CAP Meeting)
- “Fibroepithelial Lesions - The utility of using a template of histologic criteria on core needle biopsy”: Patricija Zot MD, Lorraine Colon Cartagena MD, Bryce Hatfield MD, Michael Idowu MD, Valentina Robila MD (2018 CAP Meeting)
- “Fibroepithelial Lesions - Still A Diagnostic Conundrum in Breast Cord Needle Biopsies”: Lorraine Colon Cartagena MD, Patricija Zot MD, Bryce Hatfield MD, Michael Idowu MD, Valentina Robila MD. (2018 CAP Meeting)
- “CtBP2 Overexpression and Clinical Outcomes in Colorectal Cancer”: Irene Shyu, Matthew Gayhart, Bryce Hatfield, Arushi Khurana, Ayesha T. Chawla, Steven Grossman, Michael Idowu, Bhaumik Patel (2019 USCAP Meeting)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Hatfield BS, Mochel MC, Smith SC. Mesenchymal Neoplasms of the Genitourinary System: A Selected Review with Recent Advances in Clinical, Diagnostic, and Molecular Findings. Surg Pathol Clin. 2018 Dec;11(4):837-876.
- Issa D, Hatfield B, Sterling RK. Jaccoud's Arthropathy and Jaundice in a Young Woman. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Dec 14. pii: S1542-3565(18)31383-1.
- Vossen JA, Bathaii SM, Hatfield B, Hayes CW. Case report: vertebral foreign body granuloma mimicking a skeletal metastasis. Skeletal Radiol. 2018 Jun;47(6):871-875. doi: 10.1007/s00256-017-2872-6.
Caleb King, M.D. (Cyto Fellow)
- “Development and Implementation of a Resident Training Tracking Tool Targeted to the Documentation of Milestone Fulfillment”: Caleb King MD, Pamela Adams-Lewis MBA HSA EdD, Lori Bachmann PhD, Susan Roseff MD, Cora Uram-Tuculescu MD, Melissa Contos MD, David Wilkinson MD PhD, Steven Smith MD PhD (2018 ASCP Meeting)
Jamie Singh, M.D. (Resident)
- Singh JA, Ohe C, Smith SC. High grade infiltrative adenocarcinomas of renal cell origin: New insights into classification, morphology, and molecular pathogenesis. Pathol Int. 2018 May;68(5):265-277. doi: 10.1111/pin.12667.
- Idowu MO, Singh JA, Grimes MM. “Overview of Pathology Evaluation of Breast Lesions and Quality Assurance” In: Diagnosis and Management of Breast Tumors: A Practical Handbook and Multidisciplinary Approach. Eds. Idowu et al. p38-72. Springer 2018 DOI (Textbook Chapter)
Weihua (Wayne) Tang, M.D., Ph.D. (Hem. Fellow)
- “Using Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing to Detect Single Nucleotide Variants, Fusions and Copy Number Variants in Hematologic Malignancies”: Karrs J, Xu, X, Williamson, V, Sabato-Charreun, F, Tang, W, Ferreira-Gonzalez A (2019 USCAP Meeting)