2019 Pathology News



August 2019


Atfi lab trophy

Atfi Lab

Sarah Thomas won the VCU Science Communication Award for Most Outstanding How-to Talk in the 2019 Series. Her talk was titled "Introduction to Immunofluorescence Microscopy: Light at the End of the Tunnel". She won the attached cool 3D printed trophy from the library and some $. Good luck in your new position with Olympus!




Bos lab

Bos lab research was highlighted in the Year in Review presentation at the 2019 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.

Dr. Bos 2019 year in review

Harrell Lab

Madelyn Esquivel won 1st place poster at the 2019 National Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Anaheim, California.
• Some good press for some older news: https://www.massey.vcu.edu/about/news-center/2019-archive/massey-researcher-awarded-450k-to-identify-effective-drug-combinations-for-triple-negative-breast-cancer/ 

Koblinski Lab

Dr. Koblinski was named Treasurer of the VCU Women in Science, Dentistry, and Medicine (WISDM) organization.


Bos Lab

• A recent publication from the Bos Lab. Department of Pathology contributors include; Drs. Bos, Robila, and Idowu.

Harrell Lab

• A recent publication from the Harrell & Reed (Physics) Labs. Department of Pathology contributors include; Drs. Harrell, Radhakrishnan, Tia Turner and Mohammad Al-Zubi.


Atfi Lab:

Dr. Atfi is a coauthor on this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31276933 

Harrell Lab

• FUNDED; VCU School of Medicine VETAR grant. ”Single-cell RNA sequencing for selection of therapeutic targets for TNBC”. Chuck Harrell, Mikhail Dozmorov (Biostatistics), and Jason Reed (Physics) $134,563 for 1 year.

Koblinski Lab
• A recent publication from the Koblinski Lab: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31327090 

Sirica Lab
• A review article from the Sirica Lab: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30251463 



June 2019

Atfi Lab

Dr. Parash Parajuli is first author on this publication from Dr. Atfi's Lab: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31152009 
Dr. Atfi is a coauthor on this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31175968 

Harrell Lab

• Some good press: https://www.massey.vcu.edu/about/news-center/2019-archive/massey-researchers-first-to-develop-comprehensive-models-of-seeds-and-soil-as-a-means-to-combat-breast-cancer-metastasis/ 

Koblinski Lab

Dr. Koblinski is co-investigator on a grant funded to Dr. Nick Farrell by the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT), “Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans as Disease Biomarkers and Molecular Targets for Precision Medicine in Cancer”
Dr. Koblinski is a coauthor on this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31125679 
Madhavi Puchalapalli is first author on this publication from Dr. Koblinski’s lab; other Pathology Department coauthors: Megan Sayyad: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31183318 
Dr. Megan Sayyad has accepted a postdoc in the lab of David Parichy at UVA: http://dparichy.as.virginia.edu/#research 

Radhakrishnan Lab

• Congratulations to Amy Northrop for her 1st place poster at the Annual Massey Cancer Center Research Retreat!



May 2019

Atfi Lab

Bos Lab

Koblinski Lab 

  • FUNDED; VCU School of Medicine VETAR grant Title ”Precision medicine for anticancer platinum” a multi-PI VETAR grant with Jennifer Koblinski, Nick Farrell (Chemistry) and Mikhail Dozmorov (Biostatistics) $150,000 for 1 year.


Bos Lab

  • Tommy DeLigio was recently awarded with a Massey Cancer Center Research Postdoctoral Fellowship!

Koblinski Lab
Congratulations to Dr. Megan Sayyad, who earned her PhD! Thesis title: The role of Syndecan-1 and extracellular vesicles in breast cancer brain metastasis. Good luck with your future research!

Harrell Lab
Congratulations to Mohammad Al-Zubi and Sahib Sohal on their published co-first author paper:
Quantitative assessment of breast cancer liver metastasis expansion with patient-derived xenografts

Other Pathology Department contributors; Madhu Sriram, Tia Turner, Patricija Zot, Michael Idowu, Chuck Harrell.

Tia Turner’s abstract was selected by the VCU MD/PhD Program for sponsorship to attend the MD/PhD National Student Conference in Copper Mountain, Colorado in July 2019. While in Colorado, she has been invited by the Department of Pathology at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus to present a seminar and meet with the faculty and students.

Good Luck to Sahib Sohal as he finishes his undergraduate education and will soon be starting Medical School here at VCU!



April 2019 

Bos Lab

  • Congratulations to Dr. Nicholas Clark, who earned his PhD! 

Clevenger Lab

  • Shawn Hakim has had numerous recent awards:
    1. $1000 travel award from the Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research to attend the AACR Annual Conference 2019.
    2. Abstract was selected for an oral presentation at the AACR conference. He also received an associate member council award to attend a future AACR conference at no cost.
    3. Received VCU graduate school dissertation grant.
    4. Inducted in Alpha Epsilon Lambda graduate student leadership honor society.

Harrell Lab

1. FUNDED: Jeffress Memorial Trust Foundation Grant; Co-Investigator ($100,000 for 1 year)
2. FUNDED: Komen Career Catalyst Grant: Principal Investigator ($450,000 total for 3 years)
3. Selected to the NIH Early Career Reviewer Program; reviewing grants for the Tumor Progression & Metastasis Study Section



March 2019

Radhakrishnan Lab

  • Dr. Radhakrishnan has received preliminary notification that his R01 application entitled “Nrf1-dependent Proteotoxic Stress Response” will be FUNDED by the NIH/NIGMS!
  • Amy Northrup received a travel award from the Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research to attend the Translational Science 2019 conference!

Harrell Lab publications: