J. Chuck Harrell, PhD

Cellular and Molecular Pathogenesis

J. Chuck Harrell, PhDAssociate Professor of Pathology

Department: Pathology

Phone: (804) 828-8710

Fax: (804) 828-9749

Email: Joshua.Harrell@vcuhealth.org

Chuck Harrell, PhD, Associate Professor, is a faculty member in the Department of Pathology since May 2015. Dr. Harrell earned his Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from North Carolina State University and performed research that focused on estrogen receptor biology at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences under the guidance of Dr. Kenneth Korach. Dr. Harrell received his PhD degree in Cell and Developmental Biology from the University of Colorado, mentored by Dr. Kathryn Horwitz. His PhD thesis focused on developing and testing models of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer metastasis. Post-doctoral training with Charles Perou at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill focused on bioinformatics-based approaches to stratify genomic mediators of basal-like, HER2-enriched, and luminal breast cancer metastasis. Dr. Harrell’s research program utilizes in vitro, in vivo, and in silico models to identify drug-resistance mechanisms and then targeting them in the metastatic setting to improve outcomes.

Dr. Harrell is an active member in the PDX Network organization and is a Principal Investigator for a VCU led team effort to generate 500 new patient-derived xenografts, with an emphasis on developing new model systems that effectively represent our patient population. Current studies are 1) utilizing patient-derived-xenograft models to identify genetic drivers of metastasis, 2) contrasting how individual patient proteogenomic profiles correspond with targeted drug response at the single-cell level, 3) determining pharmacological approaches to overcome chemotherapeutic and endocrine resistance, and 4) defining genetic ancestry contributions towards drug efficacy.

Dr. Harrell’s lab has been funded by the Department of Defense, Expedition Inspiration, the Jeffress Trust, National Cancer Institute, METAvivor, and Susan G. Komen. His peer-reviewed publications primarily focus on breast cancer metastasis and the use of synergistic drug combinations to identify novel treatments.

Research interests: Cancer genomics, proteomics, metastasis, patient-derived breast cancer xenograft models, targeted therapeutics.

Harrell Lab

Contact Dr. Harrell for a full CV

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Dr. Chuck Harrell abbreviated CV  


Postgraduate Training
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008-2015

Graduate Education
University of Colorado, 2002-2007

VCU Service

10X Genomics Chromium Manager
Faculty advisor for VCU Shared Resources: Genomics, Proteomics, Cancer Mouse Models Core, Biostatistics
VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center Recruitment Committee
VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center Breast Cancer Service Line Committee

Professional Organizations

American Association for Cancer Research Metastasis Research Society
North Carolina State University Alumni Association
Scientific Reports Editorial Board

Recent Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications


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